
How it all began...

There is something special about Palmaira's. We didn’t realise how special until a picture of our sandals went viral here in Australia & over night our Facebook page went from 3K likes to 30K, we sold out of all our stock within 24 hours and woke up to over 1000 emails in our inbox. 

For those of you who have followed our Facebook for sometime will know we are two sister-in-laws (Jenn & Gem) both with young families. In fact at the time our post went viral we had a 2 month old and a 6 month old between us - how we got those orders out & managed the sudden growth is a story for another time :)

Rewind to the previous year (2013) when Jen was back in the UK for her wedding and discovered Palmaira Sandals; upon returning to Australia, she contacted the founders, Lisa and Tracey, and talked with them about bringing the brand to the Australian market. 

We just knew Australia would love & appreciate the craftsmanship of an Authentic Avarca which to earn its stripes needs to be certified by the Menorcan Governement & wear its tag of approval (seen on all Palmaira's).

And so we brought the sandals over to Australia and started doing our own unique designs, colour mixes & plays on fabrics to suit the Australian market and that’s where it began. A great friendship between us and the UK sisters has since flourished both working hard to keep the rich heritage of the traditional Avarca at the heart of the Palmaira brand.

When buying from Palmaira Sandals Australia, you aren’t just buying any old pair of Sandals. We have made it our mission to show Australia what quality customer care looks like. We want to make your experience fabulous. We have worked hard to ensure you are not just buying the best quality Avarcas in the world but that every ‘step’ of the process is an experience. Enjoy your Foot Candy – you deserve it.

These aren’t any Avarca. These are Palmaira's!

J&G x